Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR)
Volume 1 - Non-Technical Summary & Main Report
- Volume 1A Cover
- Non-Technical Summary
- Ch 1 Introduction
- Ch 2 Background
- Ch 3 Alternatives
- Ch 4 Description of the Proposed Development
- Ch 5 Population and Human Health
- Ch 6 Biodiversity
- Ch 7 Ornithology
- Ch 8 Land Soils & Geology
- Ch 9 Hydrology & Hydrogeology
- Ch 10 Air Quality
- Ch 11 Climate
- Ch 12 Noise & Vibration
- Ch 13 Cultural Heritage
- Ch 14 Landscape & Visual
- Ch 15 Material Assets
- Ch 16 Major Accidents
- Ch 17 Interactions
- Ch 18 Schedule of Mitigation
- References
Volume 2 - Photomontage Booklet
Volume 3 - Appendicies
- Appendix 2-1 Projects Considered in the Cumulative Assessment
- Appendix 2-2 Scoping Responses
- Appendix 2-3 Community Report
- Appendix 4-1 Site Layout Planning Drawings
- Appendix 4-2 Harvest Management Plan
- Appendix 4-3 Construction Environmental Management Plan
- Appendix 4-4 Decommissioning Plan
- Appendix 4-5 Proposed Grid Connection Infrastructure
- Appendix 5-1 Wind Farms & Health Literature Review – Chapman 2015
- Appendix 5-2 Eirgrid EMF and You 2017
- Appendix 5-3 House Prices Study – CXC Scotland 2016
- Appendix 5-4 Shadow Flicker Assessment Results
- Appendix 6-1 Botanical Study
- Appendix 6-2 Bat Report
- Appendix 6-3 Aquatic Baseline Report
- Appendix 6-4 Biodiversity Management and Enhancement Plan
- Appendix 6-5 Confidential: Sett Locations
- Appendix 7-1 Species List
- Appendix 7-2 Survey Effort
- Appendix 7-3 Summary Tables
- Appendix 7-4 Survey Data
- Appendix 7-5 Confidential: Bird Survey data
- Appendix 7-6 Collision Risk Assessment
- Appendix 7-7 Bird Mitigation Plan
- Appendix 7-8 Bird Monitoring Programme
- Appendix 8-1 Trial Pitting Logs
- Appendix 8-2 Borehole Logs
- Appendix 8-3 Particle Size Distribution Certificates
- Appendix 9-1 Flood Risk Assessment
- Appendix 9-2 WFD Laboratory Certs
- Appendix 9-3 Water Framework Directive
- Appendix 11-1 Carbon Calculations
- Appendix 12-1 Glossary of Acoustic Terminology
- Appendix 12-2 Copies of Calibration Certificates
- Appendix 12-3 Noise Prediction Inputs & Parameters
- Appendix 12-4 Tabulated Wind Turbine Noise Prediction Results
- Appendix 12-5 Wind Turbine Noise Contour Maps
- Appendix 13-1 Photographic Record
- Appendix 14-1 LVIA Methodology
- Appendix 14-2 LCA Assessment
- Appendix 14-3 Photomontage Viewpoint Assessment Tables
- Appendix 14-4 LVIA Baseline Map
- Appendix 14-5 Photowire Visualisation Booklet
- Appendix 15-1 Traffic Count Data
- Appendix 15-2 2RN Protocol Agreement
Natura Impact Statement (NIS)
- Appropriate Assessment Screening Report & Natura Impact Statement (NIS)
- NIS Appendix 1 Project Description (EIAR Ch 4)
- NIS Appendix 2 Hydrological Assessment (Ch 9 Water)
- NIS Appendix 3 Aquatic Baseline Report
- NIS Appendix 4 Construction & Environmental Management Plan
- NIS Appendix 5 Projects Considered in the Cumulative Assessment